翁伟宇 副教授
电话: 021-64250187
E-mail: wyweng@ecust.edu.cn
2003年毕业于 复旦大学best365英国体育在线 获博士学位
1997~2007 复旦大学best365英国体育在线 教师
2007~至今 best365英国体育在线 教师
2011~2012 多伦多大学 访问学者
1. 靶向纳米制剂的构建与评价
2. 新剂型、新制剂研发
3. 生物药剂学和药物动力学
1. 2002年云南省省院省校科技合作先进个人奖。
2. 2005年上海市教学成果二等奖。
1. Liu ZJ, Jiang DB, Tian LL, Yin JJ, Huang JM, Weng WY*. Intestinal permeability of forskolin by in situ single pass perfusion in rats. Planta Med. 2012, 78(7): 698-702.
2. 田非非, 江东波, 刘真君, 翁伟宇*. 小檗碱脂肪酸盐的制备及理化性质研究. 中国医药工业杂志, 2011, 42(9): 665-668.
3. 田非非, 江东波, 刘真君, 李风云, 翁伟宇*. 月桂酸小檗碱肠道给药的相对生物利用度研究. 中国现代应用药学, 2011, 28(12): 1117-1121.
4. Huang JM, Wang GQ, Jin YE, Shen T, Weng WY*. Determination of palmatine in canine plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with solid-phase extraction. J Chromatogr B, 2007, 854(1-2): 279-285.
5. Huang JM, Li N, Yu YQ, Weng WY*, Huang XB. Determination of aglycone conjugated metabolites of scutellarin in rat plasma by HPLC. J Pharm Biomed Anal, 2006, 40(2): 465-471.
6. Weng WY, Xu HN, Huang JM, Wang GQ, Shen T, Zhang JF. A pharmacokinetic study of intramuscular administration of bulleyaconitine A in healthy volunteers. Biol Pharm Bull, 2005, 28(4): 747-749.
7. Weng WY, Xu HN, Huang JM, Wang GQ, Shen T, Zhang JF. Determination of bulleyaconitine A in human plasma by liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr B, 2005, 816(1-2): 315-320.
8. Huang JM, Weng WY*, Huang XB, Ji YH, Chen E. Pharmacokinetics of scutellarin and its aglycone conjugated metabolites in rats. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 2005, 30(3): 165-170.
9. Huang JM, Weng WY*, Cao D, Huang XB, Wang J, Yu H. Determination of palmatine in rabbit plasma by RP-HPLC with solid-phase extraction. Chromatographia, 2005, 62(9/10): 471-474.
10. 翁伟宇,徐惠南,力弘,沈腾,张建芳,邵丽,钱丽华. 草乌甲素脂质体的皮肤渗透性及抗炎镇痛作用. 中国临床药学杂志. 2003,12(3): 131-135.