Faculty feature

     There are 34 full professors and 33 associate professors in School of pharmacy. The faculty members have established nation-renowned research programs in the fields such as chemical biology, computer-aided drug design, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutical engineering and formulation, and traditional Chinese medicine.


We have currently

1 Academician, CAE (Prof. Xuhong Qian)

2 Chief Scientists of Project 973 (Prof. Xuhong Qian and Hualiang Jiang)

1  Cheung Kong Scholar 

4 Winners of National Outstanding Youth Fund, NSFC (Prof. Xuhong Qian, Hualiang Jiang, Xinmiao Liang, Yi Yang)

1 Winner of National Recruitment Program of Global Experts 

7 New-Century Excellent Talents, MOE

4 Outstanding Subject Leaders, Shanghai (Prof. Xufang Xu, Zhong Li, Liming Tao, Yi Yang)

2 Oriental Scholars, Shanghai

6 Dawn Scholars, Shanghai

15 Pujiang Scholars, Shanghai

3 Scientific Stars, Shanghai

5 Specially-appointed Professors, ECUST

6 Chair Professors, ECUST
